About Us
Welcome to the fascinating world of Tropical Rose swimwear! We are thrilled that you're interested in our exclusive and fabulous designs. As we embark on this journey together, we want to share our little story with you.
When I was 18, I had my heart set on becoming a psychologist after graduating from high school. However, the university I applied to didn't accept me that year, and I had to wait for a year to try again. My father suggested that I pursue a different career while waiting, and so I enrolled in a fashion school out of curiosity. Little did I know that this decision would change my life forever.
During my internship at a small swimwear business, I discovered my passion for creating pieces that women would love to wear. It was a revelation that made me realize that designing swimwear was what I wanted to do for life. So, after getting my degree, I started my own company and opened my first store with very little resources.

It was tough at the beginning, but with perseverance, I started getting a few clients, and then more and more. After a while, my brand and designs became well-known and loved by the people in town.

For almost nine years, my business was thriving, but unfortunately, our country's economy was getting worse every year. It was a tough decision, but I decided to permanently close our store and look for better opportunities abroad. My husband and I set our sights on the United States and arrived with nothing but a suitcase full of dreams and hopes to start over again.

In October 21 of 2021 we proudly registered our new business Tropical Rose Swimwear LLC and with it our new brand Tropical Rose Swimwear that we hope to bring all the tropical Caribbean seasoning to the American Woman.

My name is Rosalver, but everyone calls me Rose, a humble swimwear designer with a new story that we'll write together with you. So, join us in this exciting adventure and discover the magic of Tropical Rose swimwear!